Is Trulincs and CorrLinks the Same?

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You may want to use Corrlinks or you may have used it and now you wonder whether Trulincs and Corrlinks are the same or not. Here, we will give you the explanation about it and the other things related to Corrlinks.

The Relationship Between Corrlinks and TRULINCS

Is Corrlinks and TRULINCS the same? According to the explanation in Wikipedia, Corrlinks is a company which operates the TRULINCS, the email system which is used by the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons to permit inmates to be able to communicate with the outside world. Corrlinks itself is a subsidiary of Advanced Technologies Group.

TRULINCS is a fee-based system where inmates need to pay for it to be able to send or receive email. It is not like commercial sites which give permission to the correspondents to be able to send an email which is then printed and mailed to an inmate, this service gives direct email access to federal inmates. Inmates are required to pay $0.05 per minute for using this computer system. If they want to print messages, they can do that by paying $0.15 per page. An inmate can send a message to someone up to $0.30.

It is important for you to note that not all federal inmates have Corrlinks access. And even inmates may be prohibited to use this service if their particular crimes involve the use of a computer. The system does not give inmates permission to access the internet and all messages which are incoming and outgoing are monitored.

Inmates cannot make very long emails because there is a limitation. Send emails can be up to 13,000 characters and attachments are not allowed. So, if there are attachments in the email, it will be removed and even sometimes the removal of the attachment can corrupt the rest of the messages.

Knowing  More About TRULINCS Inmate Email System

Inmates who are incarcerated in the Federal Bureau of Prisons have access to the Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System (TRULINCS). With it, inmates are permitted to send or receive email with authorized members of the community.

This system is externally linked to the website and it permits federal inmates to be able to email up to 30 approved contacts. How TRULINCS work? Inmates need to add the email address for their community contact into their TRULINCS contact list so that it results in a system-generated email which is sent to the email address. This email will inform the community contact that the inmate has requested to email with them and that they have to go to and input a code contained in the email to activate the account. After it is activated, the community contact and the inmate are able to email each other.

Don’t think that this is the same as traditional email because it is different. The TRULINCS Public Messaging function is like a personal electronic message board. By using TRULINCS computer consoles in their housing units, inmates can send emails to the community contact and the community contact needs to log into their Corrlinks account so that they can receive or send emails. So, messages will not be sent to their regular email inbox.

There are some limitations to using this service. Emails can be made in plain, black text. It means that they cannot attach any media. Besides, the number of characters is limited to 13,000 characters or around 2,000 words. However, there is no limit to the number of messages which are able to be sent or received. Every new message will restart the character count.

There is also a restriction in timing. Messages will be delayed for around an hour, inbound and outbound. It happens to allow prison staff to be able to monitor in real time. Even some inmates are placed on SIS Monitoring which slows down inbound messages more because SIS officials need to approve each individual email.

Depending on the inmate in question, inmates are only allowed to use the Public Messaging function of TRULINCS for 30 minutes or one hour at a time. Then, they have to log off for 30 minutes before they are able to log back on.

This service is free to use by community contact. However, for inmates, it is a paid service where they have to pay $0.05 per minute when they read or compose emails. The cost is paid by the inmate through the purchase of TRU-Units from funds in their trust fund account.

Not all inmates can use this service because inmates who are eligible can use this service. Some inmates are not eligible for using this service because of the law violation that they do. Also, inmates with extra funds who can really have the chance to use this service because of the added cost.

The Corrlinks premium service is offered for a nominal fee. It permits you to be able to use your smartphone to use Corrlinks together with a few added services such as an extended period of time for the message purge function to go into effect.

You are permitted to email with more than one federal prisoner via Corrlinks. Some states require those who are outside  of prison to pay for the use of Corrlinks. The reason is because the system is owned by the Advanced Technologies Group (ATG) which is a private company which relies on government contracts to be able to operate. So, inmates and their families need to obey the terms of the contract that each prison system signs with ATG. The customer service for the end users namely prisoners and their outside contacts are not a priority and the true customers for ATG are the prison systems which sign contracts with the firm.

If there are people who abuse the TRULINCS Public Messaging function, they can be given disciplinary action.

Well, that’s the information that we are able to give to you about TRULINCS and Corrlinks. And the explanation above is based on the explanation that you can find on

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