Using a credit card is one of the payment methods available in Securus. The process of Securus Credit is really different from Securus Debit. Debit will charge you in advance before you make a call or video visitation to your loved one in prison, while Securus credit will charge you in the end, each month after you use the Securus features.
If you really know how Securus debit works, you may also wonder how Securus credit works and how the process is. If you have a plan to take Securus payment credit option, it’s highly recommended for you to know the process of Securus Payment Credit Card. No worries! You just dive into our post below to find that information. Here you go!
How Does Securus Credit Card Option Process?
In Securus, you can take a Direct Bill that allows you to collect calls from your loved one in prison that will be billed in the next month. Each month, you will have the charges billed directly to you from Securus Correctional Billing Services (SCBC).
In short, you can receive a call or a video visitation from your loved one without having to be charged in advance, instead having it charged in the next month. Of course, Securus Direct Bill really helps you to communicate with your loved one in prison, without having to pay first.
To use a Direct Bill or Securus Credit, you may need to create your Securus credit card first. This Securus credit account is a very great option if your loved one is prisoned for longer than two years. Direct Bill option can also be taken, especially if you’re an attorney, consulate, bail bondsmen, social worker or other small business or also government agency.
After making a Direct Bill account, you can then receive an itemized monthly bill statement from Securus Correctional Billing Services (SCBC) for your calls.
What Are Benefits of Securus Credit Payment Option?
If you take Securus Credit Payment option, it will offer some benefits for you, including:
- Receiving itemized monthly bill statement of call activity
- Receiving all the calls you need to do, up to your credit limit
- Adding multiple phone numbers to your account to make sure you receive all your calls
- The call will be connected to the mobile phone (subject to facility restrictions)
- Receiving inmate calls as long as your bill is paid in full by the due date
- No minimum payment amounts
- Having 24/7/365 access to your account by contacting us via phone or on the website
To note, if you have received notice that a Direct Bill account was opened for you automatically, you may need to set up access to manage your account with Securus Online.
When using a credit card to make a payment to Securus, all payments that are paid by Visa or MasterCard will be posted immediately, provided that you enter or supply the correct information. If you want to register a prepaid card, you can use a contact number or website on the back side of the card, so you can register your prepaid card easily.
Learn about Autopay and Textpay
Securus seems to provide Autopay and Textpay for AdvanceConnect.
- AutoPay for AdvanceConnect: This option will automatically fund your account with a present amount of your option every time that you have a low balance.
- Textpay for AdvanceConnect: This option will send a text message when your account runs low. Next, you just simply present the amount you want to fund and then reply ‘Yes’ and your account will be then funded.
It is known that a Securus online account will be required to register for Autopay or Textpay for either AdvanceConnect or Direct bill. Of course, there may be a transaction fee for each AutoPay or TextPay deposit.
What Is Securus Debit?
In addition to providing Direct Bill/ Securus Credit, Securus also provides Securus debit that is owned by an incarcerated individual and used to pay for Securus services that are offered at their facility.
Securus debit is not a commissary account and may include services including phone calls, eMessaging stamps, tablet media such as music, games and movies and also Video Connect Sessions. If permitted by the facility, an incarcerated individual probably transfers funds from their facility trust/ commissary account into a Securus debit account through creating a request through their commissary.
Correctional facilities may also have the option to allow family and friends to deposit funds directly into a Securus Debit account. There are a number of benefits offered by Securus Debit, including:
- Able to find a Securus Debit account without having your own calling account
- The maximum funding amount is roughly $5.00 per transaction
- Having 24/7/365 access to fund an incarcerated individual’s Debit account by contacting them via phone or by visiting their website
- The funds that are placed in the Securus Debit account will be the property of the incarcerated individual, their family and friends cannot receive refunds on the Securus debit account. For more information, the Securus Debit is currently available at limited facilities.
Okay, those are benefits you can get if you have a Securus Debit account.
Can you remove your Securus debit account? Yes, of course! For some reasons, you may want to remove a Securus debit account. Securus does not seem to burden you to continue taking a Securus debit option. Certainly, you can remove your Securus debit account easily.
It is important to note, Securus debit accounts cannot be closed only removed from online view. Instead, you can remove your Securus debit account from your Securus Online account. Here’s how to remove your Securus debit account!
- First, you need to log into Securus website at
- After logging in, you can click on the ‘View Account(s)’ option.
- Here, you need to choose the Securus Debit account that you want to remove and then click the trash can icon available on the right side.
- Last, you need to click on the ‘Remove Inmate’ option to start removing your Securus debit account.
Congratulations! You successfully remove your Securus debit account and you can no longer use it as one of your payment methods.