JPay Phone Number to Send Money

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JPay is known as a company that can help the inmates to stay connected to their family or friends by its products and its services. With JPay, everything can be done including sending money, sending emails, doing a video visitation, sending Videograms, buying phone time and even buying JPay player.

Then, how to use those services? Please visit the official website of JPay to know more about it. for those who want to know about sending money to the inmates, you are in the right place because in this page you will be given some information related to sending money to the inmates.

When you want to send money to the inmates, the most important thing is to know the phone number of JPay to send money. There are several options to send money that you can choose, including sending money via phone. Sending money by using the phone call is one of favorite things due to its simplicity. To send money with this method, you have to call JPay phone number to send money which is 1-900-574-5729.

As stated before, there are a lot of method to send money. Here are the other alternatives beside sending money through phone call. The first one is online payments. It is transferring money via the official website of JPay. Just go to the page of Send Money in the website. The second one is MoneyGram. This method is for you who want to transfer money cash. There are a lot of easy locations for MoneyGram nationwide. Some of them include Walmart, 7-11, and CVS Pharmacy. You should have the correctional ID number of inmates, their last name, and the name of the facility or receive code when you are going to send money using this way. The code itself can be found in the official website of JPay in the Help link about sending money. The third one is called Money Order. The money you are going to transfer can be transferred through this option. As a note, you have to download the coupon first. This one can be downloaded in the official website of JPay in Help link. Another thing you have to make sure is that the coupon corresponds to the state of the location of the inmates. You have to own the check of the cashier or money order and money order coupon of JPay for the state of the object location. The last one is Lobby Kiosk. This one is for you who want to send money using credit card. This Lobby Kiosk is able to be found at the facility of the inmate’s location. Remember that not all the facilities provide Lobby Kiosk. So, lease check it first by checking it at availability and pricing page in the official website of JPay.

If you have any questions regarding this sending money including sending money through phone call, feel free to call the customer service of JPay. Just talk to them until you get the way out.

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