JPay Pennsylvania

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JPay is a company that provides services which relates to corrections. The services can be used in 35 states in the United States including Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermount, Virginia, Washington and Winconsin.

JPay allows people to stay connected with their inmates. JPay has several helpful services like sending money, sending email, doing video visitation, buying phone time, sending videogram, buying tablet for inmates, and parole and probation payment. But, you have to note that not all the services are available in the 35 states that provide the services of JPay. You have to check first the availability of the services by visiting the website of JPay and then open Availability and Pricing page to check the availability of services, fees, and contact information of agency or facility.

As being mentioned above that Pennsylvania is one of the states in the United States that cooperate with JPay. If you click on Pennsylvania in the Availability and Pricing page in the website of JPay, you can see that there is three major drop down menu that consist of Federal Facilities that consist of Moshannon Valley Correctional Facility and Moshannon Valley Correctional Center; State Facilities that consist of SCI Albion, SCI, Cambridge Spring and more; and County Jails that consist of Monroe County Correctional Facility and Monroe County Jail. If you want to know what kind of services that are possessed by each department or county jail and also cost of transferring money, you have to click on each department or county jail. For example, you want to know the cost of transferring money to SCI Albion. First, you can click on the SCI Albion and then click Rates. Then, you can see the cost of transferring money via online and by phone completed with the delivery timing. In that page, it is also completed with phone number and also address of SCI Albion. To transfer money, you can pay with a debit or credit card. You can also send money to the inmate by calling JPay at 1-800-574-5729. Another option is you can send money through the mail of JPay. This method is the lowest associated fee but this method takes the longest amount of time for the inmate to receive the funds.

Beside sending money via JPay, you who have an inmate in Pennsylvania can also send photos. You have to remember that when you send photos to your incarcerated one, never send the photos that contain nudity, maps, drugs, alcohol, weapons and the other things that are inappropriate. To send photos via email service of JPay, you can type and send the letter and then it will be printed in the facilities mail room and delivered with the regular mail to the inmate. When you send photos via email, JPay will charge a fee for this service.

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