JPay Georgia

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JPay Private Company provides convenient services which enable people to have access easier related to the inmates, especially JPay Georgia Department of Corrections. Nowadays family and friends of the inmate do not be worry anymore since there is JPay company which allows them to stay connected to their beloved ones. The Correction process is one of the most challenging processes. JPay Company is available in thirty states. If you are looking for the fastest and dependable payment service, we think JPay is one of the most recommended services.

JPay Georgia Department of Corrections

JPay Georgia is available JPay Service such as send money, email, outbound email, outbound Videograms, inbound Videograms and video visit. There are state facilities in Georgia Department of Corrections. Those are in the text below.

  1. Appling Pre-Release Center
  2. Arrendale Probation Substance Abuse Treatment Center
  3. Arrendale State Prison Augusta State Medical Prison
  4. Autry State Prison
  5. Bacon Probation Detention Center
  6. Bainbridge Probation Substance Abuse Treatment Center
  7. Baldwin State Prison
  8. Bleckley Probation Detention Center
  9. Bostick State Prison
  10. Burruss Correctional Training Center
  11. Calhoun State Prison
  12. CCA Jenkins Correctional Center
  13. Central Probation Detention Center
  14. Central State Prison
  15. Coastal State Prison
  16. Coffee Correctional Facility
  17. Colwell Probation Detention Center
  18. Consolidated Banking Unit
  19. Dodge State Prison
  20. Dooly State Prison
  21. Emanuel Probation Detention
  22. Emanuel Women’s Facility
  23. GA Diagnostic and Classification State Prison
  24. Georgia State Prison
  25. Hancock State Prison
  26. Hays State Prison & Camp Hays
  27. Helms Facility
  28. Johnson State Prison
  29. Lamar Pre-Release
  30. Lee State Prison
  31. Long Pre-Release Center
  32. Macon State Prison
  33. McEver Probation Detention Center
  34. Men’s State Prison
  35. Montgomery State Prison
  36. Northwest Probation Detention Center
  37. Patten Probation Detention Center
  38. Paulding Probation Detention Center
  39. Phillips State Prison
  40. Pulaski State Prison
  41. Riverbend Correctional Facility
  42. Rogers State Prison
  43. Rutledge State Prison
  44. Scott State Prison
  45. Smith State Prison
  46. Southeast Probation Detention Center
  47. Southwest Probation Detention Center
  48. Telfair State Prison
  49. Treutlen Probation Detention Center
  50. Turner Pre-release Center
  51. Valdosta State Prison & Valdosta Annex
  52. W. Central Pre-Release
  53. Walker State Prison
  54. Ware State Prison
  55. Washington State Prison
  56. Western Pre-Release
  57. Wheeler Correctional Facility
  58. Whitworth Parole Detention
  59. Wilcox State Prison
  60. Wilkes Pre-Release
  61. Women’s Probation Detention

JPay Georgia Probation Payment

JPay Georgia Probation Payment is one of the facilities which given by JPay Georgia. There are many people who use this service. They said that they are very satisfied with its service of JPay Georgia Probation Payment. It is also available for 24 hours, so you can contact them whenever you want. It is also be one of the reasons why many people choose JPay service. If you want to call them, you can call at 404 – 4634178.

JPay Georgia State Prison

In JPay Georgia State Prison, this facility has 56 JPay inmate kiosks. If you want to call them, you can call at 912 – 5577301. The Physical Address: 300 1st Ave South Reidsville, GA, 30453.

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