JailATM Login Page Guide

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Accessing the official website of JailATM is free and can be done easily, at least until you are on its front page. However, if you want to go deeper, such as to send money, to video call, or to do some other things, you will have to log in to the site.

Logging to the official website of JailATM is also easy. If you are new, it is normal if you find it hard. For those who find it hard to log in to JailATM, here is the JailATM login page guide to check out. Please read every single thing well so that you will be able to successfully log in to JailATM without making any mistakes.

In order to log in to your JailATM account, here is the guide to follow:

  1. The first thing that you need to do is to go to the official website of JailATM at JailATM.com.
    JailATM Login Page Guide
  2. When you are on the front page of the website, find the Sign In/Register button and then click on it. If it is hard for you to find this button, it is located in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Then, enter your email address. Make sure to enter the complete one. For instance: alvarocarreras75@emaildomain.com. enter your email address
  4. When you are done entering your complete email address, click the Next button.
  5. In the next step, you have to fill out all the information on the personal details form. The information that you have to provide include your first name, your last name, your phone number, your SSN, your street, your city, your state, your ZIP code, your date of birth, your time zone, and your driver’s license or ID issuing state. Actually, the SSN is optional. However, you are encouraged to enter it as it may speed up the approval process. As for the driver’s license or the state ID number, it is important for video visitation so please make sure to enter the information well.
  6. Do not forget to click Save.
  7. The next thing that you will have to do is to create a password.
  8. Upon entering the password and confirming it, click Submit.
  9. Please open your email and find an activation link.
  10. When you find the activation link, click on it. Aside from that, you can also copy the link and then paste it into your browser. If you did not get the activation email, you can try to check your Junk or Spam folder for the message. Actually, it is not the only way. If the first method fails, you can also try some other things such as adding @jailatm.com and @m.jailatm.com to your Safe Senders list, turning off your Junk or Spam filters, and resending the activation email. For the last one, you can do it by logging in and clicking the Resend link. In case you still have the issue, you are suggested to try another email provider. JailATM states that they are constantly working on increasing their deliverability with all email providers. In the meantime, you can try to use an alternate email address for JailATM.com. If their email is getting blocked by your email provider, internet service provider or inbox software, it is possible for you to not get the reply from JailATM to your support tickets. In this case, please consider using an alternate email address for JailATM.com.
  11. Lastly, sign in using your email address and password.

In case you forgot your password, please follow the following instructions:

  1. Firstly, click Sign In.
  2. Then, enter your email address.
  3. In the next step, click Forgot Your Password? link.
  4. Afterward, enter your email address in the box and then click Send.
  5. By doing so, you will be able to get an email in your inbox within 1 hour.

After signing in to your account, you can edit your account details. To be able to do that, here is step by step to follow:

  1. First of all, click the My Account button that is located at the top right of the screen.
  2. When it is clicked, click Settings.
  3. Next, click Account Details.
  4. After that, you can edit the account to anything that you want.
  5. Do not forget to click Save to make changes.

If you are missing the email, there are a few steps that you can try, as follows:

  • The first one is to check your Junk or Spam folder for the message.
  • The second one is to resend the activation email. You can do it by logging in and clicking the Resend link.
  • The third one is to add @jailatm.com and @m.jailatm.com to the Safe Senders list. If you want to get more information about the Safe Senders list, you are suggested to contact your email provider.

What about changing email addresses? Can you do it? Unfortunately, there is no way to change your email address. If you really need to use a different email address, your only option is to create a new account.

If you are not satisfied or tired with JailATM or if you find something better and want to close your JailATM account, here is step by step to follow to be able to do that:

  1. First and foremost, click My Account.
  2. The second thing that you have to click is Settings.
  3. After clicking Settings, click Deactivate Account.
  4. Make sure to read the Disclaimer.
  5. Once you acknowledge everything, click Close Account.

If after closing your account you want to reactivate it again, below are all the things that you have to do:

  1. At the beginning, click Sign In.
  2. When it is clicked, enter the email address that you used to create an account.
  3. Thirdly, click Next.
  4. On the new page, enter your password.
  5. Then, click Login.
  6. Another thing that you have to click is Resend Confirmation.
  7. In the end, you have to check your email and find the activation link.
  8. Do not forget to click the activation link or copy and paste it into your browser.

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