Inmate Roster Marion County

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You may just heard that one of your friends become an inmate in Marion County and you want to know about him or her. You are able to find him or her online through the website which provides information about where inmates are incarcerated, when they release and some more information about them.

Websites for Finding Inmate Roster in Marion County

One of the website that you are able to use if you are looking for inmate roster in Marion County is through Marion County Sheriff’s Office and this is the link of the inmate roster in Marion County tap here. By accessing this link, you will be taken to a page of Marion County Correctional Facility Inmate Roster. From the list, the information which is provided include SID, Name, Lodged Date, Court Date and Release Date.

If you hover over the name of the inmate, automatically the inmate’s basic information will appear including race, gender, height, weight, hair color, eyes and also their photo. If you click on the name of an inmate from the list, there will appear the information about the inmate including race, gender, height, weight, hair, eyes, docket, authority, next court, charge, statute, description, their photos and release date.  In the description section, it is the explanation of why she or he is incarcerated.

Under the table, there is also the total inmates of the list. So, if you are looking for someone incarcerated, you are able to use this list to help you find him or her.

Another website which provides inmate roster in Marion County is this If you access this link, you will be taken to a page where there is a roster of inmates in Marion County. There, you are provided with the list of current inmates. However, the information which is given is limited to the inmates’ name, incarceration date and their photos. The inmates are listed alphabetically.

On that website, you are able to see some menus at the top of the site including Home, Sheriff, Divisions, Dispatch, Services, Contact Us and News Release. You are able to click on one of the menus based on what you need the information about.

You can also access to find inmate roster in Marion County. On this site, you have to hover over your cursor on the How DO I menu and then in Search section, click on Adult In Custody Lookup. Then, you will be taken to a page of Adult in Custody/Offender Information. To find an inmate roster, click on the Offenders Currently on Parole or Probation link which provide you the inmate roster.

Inmate Roster Marion County
How to Search Inmates in Marion County

Besides using inmate roster by accessing the websites which we have mentioned above, you are also able to find an inmate through an online finder. There are some website which provide this kind of tool to help you find the inmate that you know by entering their information such as their name, ID and some other information.

One of the website which provides you with inmate finder tool is When you are on that website, you have to hover over your cursor on the How DO I menu and then in Search section, click on Adult In Custody Lookup. After clicking on it, you will be taken to a page of Adult in Custody/Offender Information. To find an inmate, you can use the Offenders Currently on Parole or Probation link which provide you the inmate roster as we have explained earlier. Alternatively, you can click on Search Jail Roster. If you click on Offenders Currently on Parole or Probation, you will be provided a inmate roster of Marion County Sheriff’s Office and the information that you can get there include the name of inmate, SID, gender and PO name. However, if you click on Search Jail Roster, you will be taken to a page where it says that by logging into this application it means that you are acknowledging all data related to an inmate’s jail held by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office is confidential. You can click on Access Site to continue use the tool.

After that, you will be taken to Booking Search Query. There, you are able to search an inmate by any single field or combination of fields. In case you do not know the exact spelling of an inmate’s name, you are able to use a wildcard ‘%’. For example, your friend is one of the inmates in Marion County, but you do not know the spelling of his name and his name is started from the letter ‘R’, so you can search it by using this keyword ‘R%’. However, you may be able to use a wildcard ‘%’ anywhere in a name, for example ‘R%nald’.

On this search page, there are some fields for searching inmate in Marion County including the inmate’s last name, first name, booking from date, booking to date, release from date, release to date and status. You are able to fill out all of the fields if you know, but if not, you can fill out some of them. Let’s say that you just know the first name of the inmate, then you can only enter his or her first name there. After you fill out the fields, then you have to hit the Search button. After clicking on the Search button, then you will be given the results.

In the result of the search, you will be provided the information of the inmate including Booking, First name, Last name, Middle name, DOB, Race, Gender, Booking Date, Release Date, Sch Rel Date, Location and View. In the View, you can click on it and then you will be taken to a page where you will be provided the more information about the inmate in details. On that page, you will be provided the information about the inmate’s booking number, inmate ID, booking date, location, Sched. release, released, date of birth, hair, age, eyes, gender, height, race, weight, violation, arrest date, court type, end of sentence date, and some more information.

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